Monday, May 28, 2007

Kay Kuzma -- correcting the published misinformation

This letter was sent to Calvin, the owner of BSDA, and subsequently posted by him. Kay Kuzma was a member of the 3ABN committee referenced here:

This letter was sent to the owner of the BSDA forum, and he subsequently published it.

Dear Calvin,

I have become aware that your site published Johann Thorvaldsson's article about "The Story of Linda Shelton."

Since I am mentioned in that article, I thought you might be interested in publishing a response to correct the misinformation given about my involvement.

If you need to call me, my # is xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Thank you.
Kay Kuzma

Here is my statement:

To those who may question my involvement with 3ABN and the circumstances which led up to Linda Shelton leaving 3ABN:

Yes, I was involved in what happened at 3ABN concerning Linda however the internet article in which you read about my involvement titled "The Story of Linda Shelton" by Johann Thorvaldsson, is saturated with the writer's biased personal perceptions and has very little to do with what actually happened. I was there – I know.

Rather than address each falsehood, which would be too time consuming, I will simply address the three major errors concerning me:

Here is what was printed about me: "Long before Linda's dismissal, Dr. Kay Kuzma was assigned to help Linda manage after being fired. She was also supposed to interview staff members to find a good reason to fire her, so one wonders what really is behind this upheaval?"

Here is what actually happened:

1) I was not brought in early – in fact, I was brought in during the last six weeks after Danny and Linda had been in months of counseling with professionals – with Linda still refusing to follow what the counselors suggested, i.e., unanimously the counselors told her that she would have to give up her relationship with the doctor in Norway who she was spending up to six hours each day talking with.

2) I was not brought in to help Linda "manage" after she was fired – she was never fired. The committee I was on (and later the Board) repeatedly gave her opportunity to talk with them trying to bring resolution and restoration to both her ministry at 3ABN and her marriage. She refused at every point. There was never discussion concerning "firing" Linda when I became involved – only a discussion on how to help her. There was such a concern for Linda's reputation that the entire Board was not initially notified about the situation until it became an absolute necessity to do so. I was on a small committee of two Board members, the 3ABN attorney, and myself. The small committee's discussion centered on how to save Linda for ministry. Linda talked to me one time and refused any further contact I tried to make with her.

3) I was NOT asked by 3ABN to interview staff concerning Linda. Linda, herself, asked me to talk with the staff. She even gave me the specific names of the people she wanted me to talk with. The results from the interviews with the employees Linda suggested weren't flattering to her. When I tried to get back with her, she refused to answer my calls.

The overwhelming error in Mr. Thorvaldsson's account of the events surrounding Linda Shelton's departure from 3ABN gives witness to the fact that his observation was from many thousands of miles away and only receiving his information from the two involved in the duplicity.

Hopefully it has become apparent to you, as I pointed out the error contained in these three lines alone, that this entire article is full of misinformation. If you would like specific answers to any other point, I'll be happy to share. God is good and truth will prevail even though there are those who are trying to stir up controversy.

I believe the most important thing to understand is that eventually the fruit of a person's decisions will become evident. Although I will not comment further about what happened to lead up to Linda's departure from 3ABN, we know that the other man had been to the States and spent time with Linda before she left Danny, and that immediately after she left Danny, the other man was with Linda. A few weeks later they spent time traveling together through Europe.

Please remember, 3ABN is not Danny or Linda's ministry – it is God's, and every day we all see incredible miracles as God is moving

His ministry forward. It's been a very difficult time – as we all love Linda and recognize how much God used her in her role as co-host with Danny. God truly gifted her with the ability to write beautiful songs that have been a tremendous blessing to thousands.

Thanks for remembering 3ABN in your prayers – and thanks for not sharing Mr. Thorvaldsson's article with anyone else – since I know you don't want to be a part of spreading misinformation.

Kay Kuzma

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